Everyone knows Facebook as a fun website where you can catch up with friends and share photos and posts to the world. It started as the original place to make friends. Nowadays, some people say that it has become almost a clickbait with its multitude of paid articles and advertisements.

So, the question is: is Facebook dead?

On average, 1.59 billion people log onto Facebook daily and if this doesn’t tell you anything about its popularity, I don't know what will. If we look way back to 2004, the main Facebook audience consisted of almost only Harvard University students. The goal was to create a connection to the rest of the world, and it has escalated to an extreme in 2019.


Facebook in Business

As we often talk about Facebook being for personal use, many people may think that it is not of interest to them anymore. However, what about in business? Facebook in business is a very new but very effective tool to promote your company online. More and more businesses now use Facebook to create social ads to interact with existing customers, but also to attract new people. It is a great platform to get to know your potential future customers or clients. However, you will not get users to conform by magic. If you think you can create a business page and everything will fall into place on its own, you are most certainly mistaken. For Facebook to be effective for your business, you need to know your target audience; if you are targeting the wrong people, you will not receive any profits. Facebook can only guide you and provide you with tools and features that could be used effectively to promote your business. As for the most part, you need to invest plenty of time in the social platform to get the results you want. Even for us marketers, Facebook is sometimes a mystery! Some ads work and some don’t; it’s all about the right timing and content.

We believe that Facebook is great for businesses in many ways, especially for start-ups and smaller companies.


Some advantages of using Facebook Ads are:

  • To build brand awareness through connections. If you want to expand your business and make it more locally or internationally recognised, Facebook is the way forward. As it is one of the biggest social media platforms, by investing a little time and knowledge into Facebook Business Manager, you will be on the right track.

  • It can increase your web traffic. By simply posting links to your posts and adding pictures to make them more interesting visually, users will be directed to your landing page. However, be careful not to overdo it! Posting too often will not help with web traffic and can actually turn away potential customers.

  • Using Facebook Insights can help you to identify how your page is performing. The Insights feature provides information about the success of your page, in relation to your target audience and democratic data.  Furthermore, your competitors will most likely already have a Facebook page, so it is great to be on top of the digital world.

  • Facebook can also help you to connect with people that have similar interests, which can be great for your targeting strategy. Finding like-minded customers to the objectives of your brand can be difficult, so this is a start!


Around 74% of Facebook users check their social media platform more than once a day; the average is a whopping 8 times a day. As it has proved to be one of the most effective platforms for marketers, it can really be a great boost for companies to succeed in their business goals.

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